Embrace Everyone

Empower People

Inspire Hearts

Embody Christ


“I do wish, brother, that I may have some benefit from you in the Lord; refresh my heart in Christ.”
– Philemon 1:20

In times like these...

We need the Living Waters of Christ to Reinvigorate, Restore and REFRESH.

We are very excited to announce, the Living Waters District will be hosting a Revival series titled “REFRESH” It will be based on the scripture Philemon 1:20, “I do wish, brother, that I may have some benefit from you in the Lord; refresh my heart in Christ.”

We have divided our vast district into Regions. These regions are allowing us to do things like Charge Conference, Revivals, Training, etc in an area that is convenient to the churches in that region.

Our second revival will be held on February 15th, 2024 at 7pm in our Southcentral Region. The churches for that region are listed below. This revival will be located at the Mecklenburg High School. We want everyone to mark this date on their calendars and start advertising this event. We also need lots of volunteers from every church, pastors and laity!!! 

We are including a Sign Up where individuals can sign up for the various positions quickly and easily.

Our Next

Refresh Event

What is the Eastern Region?

Eastern Churches
Grace Memorial
High Street
Main Street (Suffolk)
Surry Charge (Oak Grove, Surry)
Trinity (Disputanta)
Waverly-Carsley Cooperative Parish (Carsley, Waverly)

Have Questions?

Direct all questions to:

Rev. Tim Beck – timbeck@vaumc.org
Rev. Thomas Wynn – thomaswynn@vaumc.org